I have been infatuated by the United States Supreme Court from a very early age. In fact, the history of the Supreme Court has inspired me to take up history as my major, apply to law school and pursue law as a career. I have spent a significant amount of time studying the Supreme Court and the United States legal system as a whole; I have even dedicated my undergraduate research to the creation and foundation of the Supreme Court. I find a lot of beauty, and also disaster, within the United States Supreme Court.
Because I have spent a lot of time studying the Supreme Court, there was not much from the article Supreme Court or video on the Supreme Court that was new information to me. One thing I did find a bit surprising with the United States Supreme Court from Supreme Court is the fact that it is considered the most powerful judicial body on Earth. When I think of the US government, I typically think of the Supreme Court being the least powerful branch. Granted, US judicial power has expanded immensely since Marbury v. Madison in 1803, I was surprised that there was not another other judicial body in the world that held more power than the US.
I also learned of the specific mannerism between the Justices that is meant to help the Court run more smoothly. For one, each Justice shakes all the other Justices’ hands before discussing and reviewing. This is to prevent the Justices from holding grudges against one another. The Justices also make sure that each Justice has spoken once before any of them are able to speak for a second time or more. It is nice to know that the Justices emphasize respect for one another. Court can be very trying, and there is a lot of pressure on these Justices who do not share all the same conscience. To know that the Justices make an effort to respect one another for the ease of the Court gives me a new appreciation for Justices.
I will not lie, as a history student interested in going into law, I have looked up to the Supreme Court and its Justices. Whether it be a good or a bad thing, I used to idolize the Court at a very young age. With that, expectations were set high for Supreme Court Justices and myself. However, after listening to the Justices discuss what the Court is like in Supreme Court, I was surprised yet comforted. Many of the Justices mentioned that it took quite some time for them to grow acclimated with the new environment they faced. There was comfort in knowing that the Justices had felt like they jumped in head first and that it took some time to adjust, even despite their previous experience. I used to think that the Justices walked into their position well prepared, as if they were born for the role. Apparently, this is not the case. Now, some may find it discomforting that the Justices are not exactly sure what they are doing as Supreme Court Justice during their first couple of years, it makes me gain a little more respect for them. It humanizes them, and I think that is important to have when it comes to people in government.
Between the articles and the video, the key aspect I took away was that there is no inside story of the court; there is only conversation for all to hear. The way the Court functions is meant to flow like a conversation. The Justices are not there to condescend people or scare them, or politicize the issue. They are there to focus on a specific aspect of the brief, ask questions for points of clarification, not necessarily to prove a point. The Court’s job is not to politicize, and it is not to be a terrifying process hidden from Americans. The point of the Supreme Court is to ensure the promise of equal justice under law for the all American people. They are responsible to the law and the people.
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