When I was younger, my mother would put on News 12 Long Island as we got ready for work and school. This was my introduction to the news. As a child, I was rather intrigued with the news and would watch it almost everyday with my mother. Even in college, I still keep up to date with News 12 Long Island. Although it offers various sections of news, including global news, I mainly read articles related to local news in Long Island. Even though I am away at college, I still like to keep up to date with Long Island news. Long Island news may not be relevant to most people in the United States, I do highly recommend keeping up with your local news, even if you are away. It is good to stay updated on news at home, to see what changes may have occurred, or what your friends and family at home are witnessing and enduring. I enjoy reading News 12 Long Island because everytime I go home, I do not feel out of the loop. I have a better understanding of day-to-day life of friends and family. Also, as a registered voter in New York, News 12 Long Island is a great way to stay in the loop with local politics
Upon arriving at college, most, if not all of my news used to come solely from my Political Science professor. I am happy to say that I have been reading more sources since my arrival, but discussing current events with my Political Science professors is what got me interested in current events in the first place. Referring to your professors for current events, especially Political Science is a good place to start with news sources. I found that my classes would discuss current events and I would hear many different opinions and takes on the news. It is interesting to hear all the different inputs from my fellow classmates and the commentary offered by my professors. From there, I would often go to look up the news myself as I had grown intrigued by our discussions in class. The good thing about Political Science courses is that the class is up to date with news. Hearing about what is going on in the world from my professors kept me up to date on the news. Without class discussions, I would honestly not be as updated on current events.
The first semester of my junior year, I took an American Politics course. The professor had asked us to get a subscription to The Washington Post so that we can stay updated on current events, and for weekly news quizzes. Even after the semester was finished, and after I no longer needed to stay updated specifically with The Washington Post, I found myself still in the habit of checking The Washington Post’s feed in the morning and while waiting for my professors to start class. It was the first time I found myself regularly checking the news for pleasure and not for class. I found that The Washington Post was a good source to begin getting in the habit of reading the news daily. With the left-leaning tendencies of news sources in the United States, The Washington Post is one of the more centered-viewed sources. It also covers many different sections of news that may appeal to many readers. I found The Washington Post to be a good start to getting into news.
Recently, I have been referencing Live UA Map, more so in relation to the Russian-Ukrainian Crisis than anything else. This source was suggested to me by a friend after we were discussing the crisis. Live UA Map offers live news on the crisis in Ukraine, with a live map that corresponds to the live news. This source offers the same for the United States, Russia, Syria, and a slew of other regions. It also has maps related to specific news regarding protests in the United States with corresponding live news. Live UA Map is great for those who enjoy visuals. The maps offer a lot of information as it shows updated territory lines, announcements from particular cities, recent hits a region has taken, casualties, with articles and media posts related to each for further explanation. The great thing about Live UA Map is that it takes news from various different sources. Live UA Map does not sway to one side or the other like most other news sources do. It includes various different sources, as well as media posts from people in the region.
The BBC has become a source of news I did not explicitly mean to follow. Nevertheless, the BBC has been a news source that I rely on quite frequently. As a history major, I have taken many British history courses and have grown very intrigued by Britain’s history. I would often reference BBC Documentaries and BBC history for class. With that, I have found that I have also been keeping up to date with the BBC News. I enjoy BBC News as it acts almost like a third-party. I enjoy reading the British take on American news as it tends to be a little more impartial on United States current events than American news sources. Furthermore, I enjoy reading about the British take on their own current events as American news sources do not have the same information. It is always good to have an outside news source like the BBC. It offers a little more insight than American news sources.
AP News is a news source I have just recently been reading frequently this past year. I refer to AP News for my source of news more than others. This source has a long history of being reliable, quick, and most importantly, impartial. As someone who does not like being told what to think, I truly appreciate the lack of bias from AP News. I find that their articles tend to be more factual than opinion, thus offering me a chance to gain knowledge on current events while forming my own opinions on recent news. With most American news sources lacking impartiality, it is difficult to find a reliable source of news. AP News is one of the few American news sources that allow you to form your own opinions rather than forcing an opinion onto you. It is important for people to have an unbiased news source like AP News. I would recommend AP News to anyone looking to get into keeping up to date with current events, and anyone who reads the news regularly due to its impartiality.
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